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Summer Session Registration is now open!

Summer Session Registration is now open! Columbia University students register through Vergil, Visiting Students apply now. Learn more.
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Special Foreign Language Programs

All Summer Session students have the opportunity to learn a foreign language. Fluency in a foreign language provides invaluable benefits to a student’s educational and professional development, and enriches their personal life as they travel the world.

Six-week foreign language programs in FrenchGermanGreekItalianLatin, and Spanish are available during Sessions A and B, with some offered in an intensive format. Two specialized concentrated programs—the Columbia Arabic Summer Program and the Russian Practicum—run during Sessions G, H, J, and R in condensed four-week sessions. And since learning doesn’t stop at the classroom door, students of these foreign language programs will also partake in cultural enrichment activities to enhance their experience.

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Student Life

Beyond the Columbia classroom, special opportunities such as featured lectures, writing workshops, and other events in New York City expose students to expert knowledge delivered by world-class instructors and professionals.